Ways to help

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Your Donation will help us make…

Building Families.
Stronger Communities.
A Better Kansas City.

Support STW Charities!


Make a Difference Today

At STW Charities, we are committed to building communities and every dollar you contribute helps us get closer to making a real impact.

Why We Need Your Help

Your generosity enables us to remove barriers for the homeless Center School District students and families, provide meals to families in need, and expand to Raytown School District. Our goal is to raise funds to assist with all programming. But we can’t do it without your support.

How Your Donation Makes an Impact

  • $25 provides a gas card to a family in need

  • $50 provides a family counseling session 

  • $100 helps us provide furniture and housewares to a newly housed family

  • Other Amount: Every donation, no matter the size, brings us one step closer to ending homelessness.

Join Us in Making a Change

We invite you to be a part of this important work. By donating today, you’re helping to build communities and stronger families in Kansas City.

Thank You for Your Support!

We are deeply grateful for your generosity. Every donation makes a difference and brings us closer to achieving our mission. Together, we can create a better future.

Maximize your giving with a Matching Gift Program

What is a Matching Gift Program?

Businesses in the US give billions of dollars to non-profit organizations each year. Many of these businesses base their giving on their corporate values but some give based on the values of their employees. They do this through what is commonly known as Matching Gift Programs.

A Matching Gift Program allows an employee to increase the amount of money given to the non-profit of their choosing because their employer will match a dollar amount or percentage of their giving to the non-profit. Many times this will double or triple their financial gift! Some companies even give to the non-profit based on the number of hours their employees volunteer at the non-profit!

Here are some quick statistics about Matching Gift Programs in the US:

  • An estimated $2-$3 billion is donated through Matching Gift Programs annually

  • 65% of Fortune 500 companies offer Matching Gift Programs

  • Over 18 million individuals work for companies with Matching Gift Programs

  • An estimated $4-$7 billion in matching gift funds goes unclaimed annually!

How can you Participate?

The best way to get started is to check with your H.R. department to see if your company has a Matching Gift Program. If they do, consider having your giving and/or volunteer hours to Serve the World matched by your company. If your company will match your giving and/or volunteer hours to Serve the World, contact our business department for any information that your employer needs to finalize their match. (info@servetheworldkc.org)

What Drives Us

Our Mission

Empowering families to break the cycle of poverty through self-dignity, renewed mindset, and newly created opportunities.